Juan Botella

Juan holds a degree in Law and a diploma in Business Administration from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, ICADE – Madrid. Diploma in Cooperative Sciences from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Member of the Bar Association of Madrid. Mediator in mercantile and civil matters. Judicial expert in Industrial Property matters. He was CEO of Tavira & Botella in Madrid office, which was exclusively dedicated since 1921 to Industrial and Intellectual Property.
Currently holds the titles:
- Spanish Patent and Trademark Attorney
- European Patent Attorney
- Representative agent before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
He is also a member of the Official Association of Industrial Property Agents (COAPI), and of the most relevant associations of the sector at a national and international level:
- Asociación de Agentes Españoles ante Organizaciones Internacionales de Propiedad Industrial e Intelectual (AGESORPI)
Institute of professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPI) - Association Internationale pour la Propriété Industrielle (AIPPI)
- European Communities des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (FICPI)
- Since 2001 is also member of the Legislative Armonization Comission of EPI.
Languages: English – Spanish
Email: juan@juanbotella.com
TEL: +34 91 431 74 82